22 September, 2010

Cheerful September! :D

Hello! Halo! Annyeong!
have a fun holiday everyone?
eh? me?
absolutely yes!
In this post I'll prefer spend photos then text.
it's all about my holiday at Pulau Pramuka!
without any bla bli blu,
check this out~! :)

go to Pulau Pramuka, 5 AM
8 September 2010

Snorkling Time!
adaptation with Kang Firman :)

messy BBQ!

It was really fun!

Juju, Ian, Hime, me, Jejes, Jepra
Piya, Susie

That's all from me for today!
too short ya? :(
I don't have much time
because I have an exam tommorow, so, wish me luck guys!
see ya! 

01 September, 2010

Nodame's Piano Bag ♫

Hello all!
It's September now~!
Long time no post in here.

And hey!
I made Nodame's Piano Bag yesterday,
and just finished from a few minutes ago! :p

Do you know who is Nodame?
Nodame Cantabile (のだめカンタービレ Nodame Kantābire), based on the hit comic book by Tomoko Ninomiya, this is a fun-filled quirky romantic story of two very opposite people. Nodame is a piano student at Momogaoka College of Music. An extremely talented pianist who wants to be a kindergarten teacher, she prefers playing by ear rather than reading the music score. She is messy and disorganized, takes baths several days apart and loves to eat, sometimes stealing her friend’s lunchbox when it is filled with delicacies.

Here is the bag!

Cute isn't it?
So I make one of that!

Actually, I am bad on sewing.
But, it's fun when I try to make it!

So, here is the result!

Messy keys!

But, it still cute isn't it?
Sorry for my really bad grammar!
I just want to write this post in English because I think it's more impressive.
I hope you understand what am I trying to tell about with this 'fungky grammar'
That's all for today.
I'm sleepy and tommorow I must go to school!
See ya!

16 August, 2010


15 August 2010,
is my birthday!


Pagi", sekitar jem 6an.
Ketika g masihdengan enaknya.
Ada yang ketuk" pintu g.

'enng? siapaa?'
'siapaa seehhh?!'

Pas di buka pintunya,
ada Piya, Tya, Rene n Irwan bediri di sana.
nyanyiin 'Happy B'day to You'
So sweetnya mereekkaaa

muka g masih asem banget lagi, hahaha~
Tapi g seneng banget!
Ga pernah dapet surprisee page" seh!

Senang! Happy! 행복!


make a wish~ ☺

Thank you God for giving me friends like them. I really love them!
Thank You for the surprise, my best friends!

12 July, 2010

Back to School~! :3

It's July now~!
It's mean,
Hello again, School!

Gak berasa g uda sekolah di Ketapang I selama 1 tahun,
Gak berasa g sekarang uda kelas 11,
Gak berasa g uda mau 16 tahun..
Rasanya agak aneh ketika g menuliskan hal berikut,

Nama: Hanny Fenesia
Kelas: 11 SOS 2

Dasar g emang aneh! :p

Hari ini hari pertama g masuk ke sekolah n resmi jadi anak kelas 11.
G masuk kelas 11 SOS 2.
masih beruntung sih soalnya g sekelas sama Piya, Tya, Irwan dan anak" kocak lainnya.
Sayang g ga sekelas sm Rene n Satria.
dan rasanya lagi, g ga rela lepas sama XC.
Abisnya kelas g yg ini kompak n kocak abis.

atas dari kiri: Reagen, Brian, Dahny, Steven, Valdo, Daniel, Tommy, Harris
tengah dari kiri: Rheza, Joseph, Christoper, Steffia, Diana, Suli, Satria, Irwan
bawah dari kiri: Stefanie, Michelle, Jessyca, Pak Janwar, Hanny, Kristin, Vivi

di foto ini Denish sama Chintya gak ada, mereka ga masuk gara" sakit kalo ga salah. :(

di hari pertama g sekolah ini (sebenernya sih uda dari minggu lalu buat rapat MOS sama bikin mading),
ada MOS (Masa Orientasi Siswa) buat anak kelas 1 yg baru masuk.
Karena g anak OSIS, jadi g ikut meramaikan.

G jadi pembimbing kel. 1 buat PBB (Pelatihan Baris Berbaris)
Awalnya g bingung jg karena g ama temen g, Kristin, ga punya pengalaman.
Taunya lancar" aja sih!

Selama liburan,
g cuma nginep d rumah ii g n jalan".
+ sewa banyak komik.

dan 2 hari yang lalu,


I cut my hair!
believe it or not, I cut it by myself~
tapi sebenarnya juga itu yg di potong cuma bagian depannya sih..
jd yang panjangnya g cepol di belakang!
Am I look good in short hair? :3

I think I write to much in this post.
So, that is it for today.
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